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December 02, 2019 2 min read

Gosh, it's been a minute between posts here. I've been working really hard on creating a new-look Nikki Darling website that is cleaner, faster-loading, easier to navigate and with a lot more information than the previous one had. 

And I'm thrilled to let you all know that the new-look Nikki Darling website is now live. In fact, if you are reading this post - you are reading it on the new site! In the INFO drop down menu, there is more detailed info available on product care, cleaning and recycling, a revamped FAQ page and more to come.

And excitingly, there are new products available with even newer products being launched every single day this month! Plus, our summer sale is also now live for all your warm weather sexy time needs.

A relative asked me this weekend, why did you update your webstore? And the only answer I really had was - it was time. Time to get in and fix the little pieces of broken code, clear out the discontinued products, give you a little more info about the products and how to ensure they are around for as long as possible! And why not get a little cosmetic makeover in the process, right?  

There is HEAPS more to come - I'm working 'round the clock to keep adding more info, more images, more products and more of that bright and fun Nikki Darling vibe all over the place. The special collections that people loved - like our disability and ergonomic collection - will be back really soon, even better than before. 

I'm also interested to hear from you about what you want and need from Nikki Darling. How can we make your experience on our site better? Feel free to comment, or privately message me using the contact form. 

Thank you for being here, and for supporting the little sex boutique that could!

xo Lauren

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